Week 17 Bonus Video

Sheet one hosted Sonnabend and McGovern this week. McGovern is hoping for a big end, but Sonnabend has the hammer and needs to curl the button to stave off their hungry adversary in the seventh end.

I think Sean knew it was a nice shot.

There’s more video action below, relive the thrills by clicking on the next post. You know you want to.

All the Video Hits

Some great games led to some great shots this week but I was too busy playing my game to get all of them.  Here’s Tom putting on the pressure in the eighth end.  McGovern returned fire to win the game, but it was still a great effort.

Here’s Dave throwing darts to take the mighty Sonnabend into extra ends.

Post game, the conversation turned to bonspiels and the characters that come out of the woodwork during them.  Enjoy.