Season 2013: Week 16

Don’t forget about chili next week, talk to Jarett Anderson if you have any specific questions. Now on to the picks.

  • McLellan – Dubois: Dubois will unleash their full ferocity this week by pre-gaming with some top shelf hooch. If McLellan can “generously” donate a little more to the cause, they could make something happen. It’s a long game though and Dubois will straighten up in time to win it.
  • Moll – Anderson:  This is the one to watch. Number one and two battling for dominance. A Moll win wouldn’t quite even the score however because Anderson has played two less games. So what’s going to happen? How the hell should I know? Can Moll beat Anderson? Yes. Can Anderson beat Moll? Also yes.  Crap. Not even Occam’s razor works in this situation. I guess I’ll have to predict this one based on selfish reasons. Moll wins and takes Anderson down another notch for the rest of us.
  • Lawrence – Gabrio: Lawrence needs to be careful this week. Gabrio has been sneaking up on opponents lately and everybody knows that Lawrence prides themselves on blissful ignorance to their surroundings. That being said, they now will be on their guard and likely keep their wits about them.
  • Sonnabend – Hoven: A note to the Hovens: make sure you get plenty of sleep before this match. Sonnabend can be beaten, but it takes all night. Hoven has defeated teams with better records this year, but head to head, I think Sonnabend will take this one.
  • Long – Boomer: Look out Boomer, winners coming through. Long may have unlocked the secret to success and if I were part of the Boomer establishment I’d be taking this one seriously. Boomer is quite ruthless though, and they’d enjoy nothing more than carding another win at Long’s expense.
  • Crotty – Dveris: Sheet 6 is a great place to be. In the middle, but with a walkway and benches. I think both rinks will enjoy the amenities. Dveris will struggle early but they’ll get it together in the home stretch and make it close. Crotty will keep on trucking and only occasionally take a breather on the sidelines. Solid consistent play will propel Crotty to a win.
  • Jansen – McLaughlin
  • Lockwood – McGovern: Waaaay down on sheet 8 will be the scene of Lockwood’s comeback bid. If they can beat McGovern, it will create a three way tie for third place. Good luck guys. Over the weekend a few of the McGovern clan ventured north for some extra curling in Detroit Lakes and the take home lessons were vast. Winning on sheet 8 is more about beating the ice than your opponent and McGovern has it all planned out.

See you at the club.