Season 2015: Week 14

Warm days lead to some hot curling during week 14.

  • Lichty – Lickteig: There was a time when the whole league would gather around to watch this rivalry unfold, a young Lickteig and an even younger Lichty would posture and deliberate over every pebble and ridge, dragging the match into the wee hours of a frosty Thursday morning. But that plane has sailed. With maturity, Lickteig has gained efficiency and the consistent tempo of a German metronome. Lichty, on the other hand, has been reported to the manager (more than once) for sniffing glue in club basement. I’m sure it was a big misunderstanding. Lickteig tics then tocks to a 10:45 win.
  • Dveris – Pylka: I’m about ready to declare Dveris the league wildcard, they’ve had some brilliant games this season but their record doesn’t reflect their true potential. I think it’s all a well-rehearsed ruse meant to keep the league reeling. Pylka plays like a union electrician; they show up, do good work and keep the flair to a minimum. Hard to call but I’ll give a slight advantage to the brotherhood.
  • Boomer – Long: Man-o-man this one will be a treat. Although it’s not immediately apparent, this faceoff is some sort of interstellar 10 year wormhole reach-around………. Let that sink in……… Boomer?
  • Jansen – Lawrence: What match could be more Tom and Jerry? This time, Jansen gives the frying pan to the face.
  • Zimmerman – Hammes: This match may very well be the largest concentration of females on the ice at one time during Metro league play ever. Be careful that the Bonnies don’t try to recruit the lot. I predict an extra long 4th end, with, do I detect, hmmm, something fruity for the occasion? I’m pretty sure Hammes are far enough out of college to have their Boones Farm privilege revoked, but, something more mature but equally undrinkable, why, yes, I definitely predict a round or two of 99 Bananas. Zimmerman
  • McLellan – Moll: We all know the Moll pre-game routine well but McLellan’s is shrouded in mystery. Speculation indicates that things get quite elaborate starting at about 8:00 am with team pedicures and mimosas and just get weird from there.  Whatever works, Moll hosts next door.
  • McGovern – Rohde: Two data driven rinks come together here on sheet 7. Expect charts and graphs and stats to fly around like dung at the Como Zoo chimp cage. McGovern comes out clean with science!
  • McLaughlin – Rokke: The observations of Rokke NR continue as the entire league tries to uncoil the enigma of them and their dominance. This week, McLaughlin has volunteered to go in and poke around in the name of disclosure. In the next few weeks, we expect to release a white paper detailing the strengths and fractures of this newly discovered entity. Not much hope is held out for McLaughlin as Rokke doesn’t seem to be bothered by opposition too much.


Not getting any action on the chili thing. Bye.